
A mostrar mensagens de agosto, 2019

A Queen in charge♥

Look 078  A Queen in charge♥                                               Body Head:  GENUS Project - Genus Head - Classic Head  Body :  Legacy Meshbody Shape:    my own  Hair:  Doux -  Mecca hairstyle  -  Doux Mainstore Lipstick: Fntty Studio - Kylie Lipstick -  Fntty Studio Mainstore                                               Dress Outfit:  Scandalize - Nivvi -  Belle Event  -  Scandalize Mainstore Necklace:  CHAIN -  Suede Choker Dogs and Pose:  Fashiowl - Dober -  Fashiowl Mainstore                              ...

A goddess, a madwoman, a witch ♥

Look 077  A goddess, a madwoman, a witch ♥                                                Body Head:  GENUS Project - Genus Head - Classic Head  Body :  Legacy Meshbody Shape:    my own  Hair:  Studio Exposure - PONYTAIL HELLO GORGEOUS -  Collabor Room                                               Dress Outfit:  Scandalize - Myrage -  Scandalize Mainstore Shoes:  Shoes:  N-Core - PAULA Summer/Pastel -  N-Core Mainstore Necklace:  VOBE - Parpalla Necklacke Gold -  VOBE Mainstore                                         ...

Santorini Vacations ♥

Look 076 Santorini Vacations  â™¥  Look-1 Body Head:  GENUS Project - Genus Head - Classic Head  Body :  Legacy Meshbody Shape:    my own  Hair:  DOUX - Air hairstyle -  Doux Mainstore Lipstick: Fntty Studio - Diamonds Lipstick -  Fntty Studio Mainstore                                               Dress Dress:  Beyond - Tania -  Vanity Event  -  Beyond Mainstore Glasses:  MONCADA PARIS - Kylie Eyewear -  Moncada Store Necklace:  VOBE - Parpalla Necklacke Gold -  VOBE Mainstore                                                 Look-2               ...

New in town ♥

Look 075  New in town ♥                                                Body Head:  GENUS Project - Genus Head - Classic Head  Body :  Legacy Meshbody Shape:    my own  Hair:  DOUX - Mishi hairstyle -  Doux Mainstore                                               Dress Outfit: Tachinni - Paula Set -  Uber Event  -  Tachinni Mainstore Glasses:  MONCADA PARIS - Kylie Eyewear -  Moncada Store Necklace:  VOBE - Star Pink Set Gold -  VOBE Mainstore   Shoes:  N-Core - Mia -  N-Core Mainstore Bag:  BETRAYAL - The Catch Bag - Group Gift -  Betrayal Mainstore          ...

When the waters talk ♥

Look 074  When the water talk ♥                                                Body Head:  GENUS Project - Genus Head - Classic Head  Body :  Legacy Meshbody Shape:    my own  Hair:  DOUX - Unati hairstyle -  Doux Mainstore Lipstick:  LUXREBEL - Gloss Glam Lipstick (GIFT) Eyeliner :  IDTTY FACES  - GENUS REBEL HEART                                                Dress Bodysuit :  LANA - The Stella Suit -  LANA Mainstore  -  Curves Event Glasses:  MONCADA PARIS - Kylie Eyewear -  Moncada Store Necklace:  VOBE - Zodiac Coin -  VOBE Mainstore   Shoes:  N-Core - PAULA Summer/Paste...

Andalusian NightOut ♥

Look 073  Andalusian NightOut ♥                                                Body Head:  GENUS Project - Genus Head - Classic Head  Body :  Legacy Meshbody Shape:    my own  Hair:  DOUX - Karine hairstyle -  Dubai Event Lipstick: Fntty Studio - Sarah Lipstick -  Vanity Event Eyeliner : Narcissistic - Summer Vibes Liner Collection -  Vanity Event                                               Dress Outfit :  CLOE - Resi Sheer Pants and Top -  LEVEL Bag:  Vive Nine - Ville Mini Tote -  ViveNine Mainstore                                   ...