CutenessLand ♥

Look 066

 ♥ CutenessLand  ♥


Head: GENUS Project - Genus Head - Classic Head 

BodyLegacy Meshbody

Shape:  my own 

Hair: DOUX - Lisa hairstyle

Eyeshadow: Narcissistic - SweetSeduction - Narcissistic Mainstore


Top: CLOE - Holly Bikini Top - ACCESS EVENT

Short: CLOE - Loren Denim Shorts - ACCESS EVENT

Glasses: MONCADA PARIS - l'aveugle Eyewear- Moncada Mainstore

Drink: E.Marie - Boba Kitty Drink - Milk Tea - E.Marie Mainstore

Boots: LANA - The Adora Boots - LANA Mainstore

Choker: VOBE - Chain Choker - VOBE Mainstore 



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